Monday, June 7, 2010

Burmilla Cat For Sale

This breed resulted from the mating of a Lilac Burmese and a Chinchilla in American in the early 1980s. The kittens featured Burmese type but black-tipped silver coats. Their coats are easy to care for and need a groom only once a week.

Behavioural characteristics
Less boisterous than a Burmese but not as laid-back as a Chinchilla. Likes a lot of attention, and will follow you around asking for it.

Physical characteristics
Firm, muscular body with strong, straight back. Modified wedge-shaped head, medium to large ears set well apart and inclined forwards. Medium to long tail. Large, 'kohl-ringed' expressive eyes that are slightly slanted.

Even-tempered disposition.

Coats are Agouti (shaded) and tipped with colours seen in the Asian Selfs/Torties. The undercoat is as white as possible in Silver varieties or standard (Golden) in non-Silvers. Eyes from yellow to green, depending on coat colour.

Perfect owner
A person who can set aside plenty of quality time to attend to and play with their pet, and who requires a loyal and devoted companion.


银色金吉拉长毛猫和淡紫色缅甸猫无意间交配产下的小猫便是最初的波米拉猫种猫。米兰达•冯•克奇伯格男爵夫人建立一个培育计划,意欲培育出有缅甸猫外形银色金吉拉毛尖色的小。波米拉猫于1983年在猫协会举办的展示会上首 次登台参展。,查尔斯和特瑞慈·克拉克夫妇培育出另一种血统波 米拉猫斑纹优美,将这两个品种结合,培 育出了品质更佳的后裔。

波米拉猫集合了金吉拉的美和缅甸猫的贴心。这可是有段美好的猫猫爱情故事,话说很久以前,有一位金吉拉公主在被送去见一位金吉拉王子,共创美好家庭 的前夕,金吉拉公主逃出粗心的佣人手心,一不小心进入了她不该进去的禁地——书房,在书房中住着一位英俊的缅甸猫王子,金吉拉公主和缅甸猫王子就在月黑风 高之时偷尝了禁果,而生下了超可爱的burmilla。



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