Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dachshund For Sale

Dachshund brown color female for sale.
Born at 14th June 2010.
3rd injection finish.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010



× 弓着身体走近,用侧腹推挤你。

× 将前脚伸出,屁股翘起,与威吓的姿势很像,但表情是温和的,有时候会前脚站立或匍伏在地面。

× 扑过来添你的脸。

× 耳朵感觉自然,尾巴自然下垂而慢慢摆动,喉咙发出呜呜的声音。

× 将尾巴朝左右180度的大幅摆动,或平平磅磅的跳跃着旋转身体,用宏亮的声音叫着。

× 身体震斗

× 用鼻子发出呜呜的叫声,或者用比较尖锐的声音撒娇,有时候会挺起鼻子。

× 发出呜呜的声音,尾巴下垂,仿佛在寻求同情。

× 竖起耳朵以免漏听声音,尾巴小幅度的摆动,并发出紧张的吼声,身体开始警戒。

× 越是不安,尾巴垂得越下方,不安定的在四周闻气味。

× 弓着背缩着身体,耳朵垂下是标准的反省姿势;偶尔眼睛会往上飘,观察你的动作。

× 随着恐惧度的增加,尾巴越是下垂,背部弓起,耳朵贴往后方,全身缩起;恐怖到极点的时候,会将尾巴夹在两腿间卷起来发抖。

× 腹部趴下采取【匍伏】的姿势,或者仰卧露出肚子,甚至还会有随地小便的现象。

× 耳朵和尾巴都竖起,让身体表现的很大,感觉威风凛凛。

× 耳朵竖起,尾巴小幅度的摆动,喉咙发出呜呜的声音。

× 前脚挺起,将身体放低,从背到腰的毛都竖起,鼻子有皱纹,露出牙齿,发威吓的呜呜声。

× 抓耳朵或摇动身体,或者将视线移开,开始打哈欠。

Monday, December 27, 2010

Siberian Husky For Sale

If you really want to know more information can check our facebook~

Monday, November 15, 2010

如何让狗狗具有良好的行为 How do train a dog to be well behaved?

How do train a dog to be well behaved?




Like all parents, as pet owners, we also hope that our beloved pets will be obedient, and well behaved. Therefore, we have the responsibility to teach them, as the saying goes "spare the rod, spoil the child". How our pets will grow up to be depends on how the owners teach and discipline them.

Dog training can start when the puppy is only a few months old because this time frame when puppies learn social behaviors, therefore, starting the training at this stage is very important. Having children at home will make the learning process easier because your pet will be growing up with your child, and this will help them be more tolerant.

For dogs who loves food, using food as a reward when teaching them new tricks will be a good motivation, with praises and encouragement, the chances of success will be higher. However you need to take note that rewards should be given sparingly, not all the time, because rewards should be given when they least expect it, but praises should always be given.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The advantages of raising pets

To keep a pet of the benefits of the child to see insects, the ants would be crushed to death, children will imitate adults, and if you change the practices and attitudes, the use of animal's heart teach their children, they will understand how kind to animals, and animals. establishing

"Parents that you see, dogs and cats good amiability oh, i also want a kitten." as the boy raised his desire, is a man happy. children love animals that he began to interest in life. they were scientists, have to pay attention to the environment in any moves, so out of teaching through the eyes see to things ;Through to the touch, and then put forward his senses, thinking, thoughts or questions, the natural ecological research, and finally will be in the life education.

Raising pets before you plant
Life is defined? and what about the nature of things in life is not the only animals, like ; plants and the earth was as life. parents may lead lives of children, were not have to animals, from simplest to grow plants to the complexities of pet animals.
Children are growing process, from seeds germinate and grow to a result, life complete course, for example, a sunflower, the children will : asked why the "seed sprouted?" "why would become a big flower?" the child care not to participate in work, and watered every day and regular manured, it would not be allowed to wilt the plants, and sense of responsibility and love.

Know the insect. to love animals

×teaching through
For ignorant child, how to cultivate their love?
The age of the children saw the mantis. the ant is easy to be trampled to death ; or can't control force, or rob in the process, not to be careful to keep animals, but can the teaching, for example, how to hold his hand, and gently stroked his hand to, don't grab and let it fall to earth and let the children learn to be kind to all the animals.

×Personal demonstrations
In the yard, the children saw a snail's pace, and the deer got out and intuitive response was to trample them, because parents are so. but you must tell the children "such behavior is not for their little lives. thus ended。

Have the experience of snails, and next time again, no longer a boy trampled to death, will also be careful about by the doorstep a snails before, and imitate you taught the movements of snails, and told her to go home soon! don't be stepped up. "so the stage of the child was to teach them to treat animals kindly heart.

Pets help us

×The capability of problem solving
For the children in school, through raising a pet, children learn to focus attention, will become a curiosity to ask related problems, it is thinking, parents to bring them to find the answer, and learn to the problem.

×Develop patience and responsibilities
In the process, a child may be playing or trouble, and neglect to take care of pets, Yong Su Len professor, when the parents not let him give up halfway, and stopped work. otherwise unable to cultivate the children of patience and perseverance, in the face of the question to someone else take the form, and not to be responsible attitude.
So parents can lead children to take care of pets, and planning, for instance, want to feed it for many, who will help clear he would wait to get at least 21 days, them will display a responsible attitude.

Small bade
Loud noise when children to keep a pet, parents how to feed on? Yong Su Len the professor said: "love and is not the same."Parents can think about the problem, you are like to have children? is it? if it is only a child for a moment, then have to assess the capacity and skills will be enough for 纯熟, you can operate what kind of pet, and the home environment is to be healthy growth, it is not impulsive but breeding.Parents don't worry, children can help to keep a pet, and should guide their children how to keep a pet and see if he really interested.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010














Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010



GF Puppy House Member

Sunday, October 3, 2010

不能给狗狗吃的食物 Dog cannot eat

(Dog cannot eat)

甜点 (dessert)
辣椒 (chili)
盐分 (salt)
鱼骨 (fish bone)
鸡骨 (chicken bone)
洋葱 (onion)
山葵 (wasabi)
火腿 (ham)
鱿鱼 (squid)
章鱼 (sotong)



1个月 = 1岁
2个月 = 3岁
3个月 = 5岁
6个月 = 9岁
1岁 = 17岁
1岁半 = 20岁
2岁 = 23岁
3岁 = 28岁
4岁 = 32岁
5岁 = 36岁
6岁 = 40岁
7岁 = 44岁
8岁 = 48岁
9岁 = 52岁
10岁 = 56岁
11岁 = 60岁
12岁 = 64岁
13岁 = 68岁
14岁 = 72岁
15岁 = 76岁
16岁 = 80岁

告示 畜犬联盟(F.C.I)



敬请留意 “Federation Canina International” (世界犬只联盟)即同样拥有F.C.I简写的组织与 “ THE FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL” (世界畜犬联盟), 即原版的F.C.I 是一样的。世界畜犬联盟倍受世界著名协会的肯定。

请注意,世界犬只联盟所颁发的血统书与奖状是被真正的F.C.I 与其成员国承认的,包括马来西亚爱犬公会。





Federation Cynologique Internationale (F.C.I)

Kindly be informed that The Malaysian Kennel Association is the only association in Malaysia to be fully endorsed and recognized by the original F.C.I.

We would like to draw to your attention that The Federation Canina International, which carries the acronym "F.C.I" is NOT the same organization as THE FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE which is the original F.C.I and is recognized by all leading clubs in the world.

Please take note that pedigree and awards from The Federation Canina International will NOT
be recognized by the original F.C.I and all its member countries including The Malaysian Kennel Association.

MKA members who are found to be participating in any of the dog shows not recognized by MKA will be penalized in accordance to the rules and regulations of the Association.

Thank you.

By The Order Of The Board Of Directors

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lost Dog 寻狗启示

Lost, Name Dong Dong (Male), 10years old, white and light brown in colour, lost it in KINGFISHER AREA on 27th Sep. We're suspecting it was been stolen. No matter where you found or saw Dong Dong at ( Dog shop or even some people pull/hold for walking ), or some informat……ion of my dog, do contact me! 016-5887373. There will be a reward.

寻狗,东东(雄性),十岁,白色和浅棕色,在 KINGFISHER 地区于9月27日遗失了。我们怀疑它是被偷的。无论是否有人牵住/抱住, 或者在狗店,一律打电话给我.非常感谢!望哪位好心人提供线索或提供帮助帮我找寻我的狗, 016-5887373. 寻获者将以报酬答谢!

Owner by:
Sherny Varries Liong

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pets and Condos

Pets and Condos

Don't fret. You can still be a pet owner whilst living in a high-rise condominium. Text by James Hipkiss.

An ever increasing number of Malaysians are choosing the condo lifestyle. At the same time, more Malaysians are also becoming or thinking of becoming pet owners.
The question then arises, is it possible and more importantly, is it practical to keep pets in condos?

The answer is a qualified yes, but with a number of provisos and conditions of course.

The first thing a condo dweller has to consider when contemplating pet ownership is what rules and regulations may exist regarding pets in the condo, and in some instances is there flexibility within these rules. For example, it seems that there is a general rule that dogs are not permitted in condos. However, it also appears to often be the case that if a dog is quiet, clean, well-supervised and no case of the neighbor objecting, then a blind eye may be turned to its presence in a condo. Of course, a potential dog owner must also consider that they would not be in a very strong position, if a neighbour did decide one day to complain officially. If one is considering keeping a dog in a condo, better then that it is a dog that does not bark and requires little exercise. Probably a small dog too as one will have to clear up its mess from the balcony or wherever on a regular basis, unless neighbours do not mind sharing the lift with it several times daily when it is taken out to "perform".

Dogs aside then, let's consider other pets which may be suitable for condo living. Cats are a clear choice. They do not make a noise, they do not require a lot of outdoor exercise, and they are easily trained to do all their business in a litter box. They are by nature very clean animals. They differ from dogs too in terms of being social animals. Make a habit of leaving a single dog locked up in an apartment all day, all week, whilst one is out at work, and you will not have a happy, well-adjusted dog when you get home. Prepare for possible mess and destruction. Cats on the other hand, seem contented with their own company, and although happy to see you when you come home, they are by nature far more solitary creatures. One word of warning though, they can be destructive. Cats do enjoy sharpening their claws and will think nothing of shredding your furnishings if you do not put a scratching post or some such to cater for this habit. Climbing is their other problem, some cats love climbing curtains, other just scaling their way to the highest point in any particular room. Do look out for delicate ornaments that you have around the condo.

Going down in size comes to a variety of rodents, hamsters, mice, gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits. These animals are particularly popular with children, being cute, cuddly and not generally prone to biting and scratching. Rabbits may actually be a little large for keeping indoors in an apartment as they need quite a large cage, and if not cleaned out regularly, can smell. Guinea pigs is a great consideration as they do make great pets. Smaller than rabbits, they are gentle, get used to being handled, are clean and almost odour free. Like rabbits, they do require a little space for exercise, either a large cage or smaller cage but then with the option of being allowed out of the cage for a few hours daily to run around. Hamsters, gerbils and mice are considerably smaller, and can easily be kept in a cage smaller than table-top size in the case of gerbils or considerably smaller still for hamsters and mice. They all become used to being handled gently, are not smelly and as long as there are toys (wheels for example with hamsters) in their cages, they can entertain themselves all day, or indeed all night too. As children's pet, hamsters or gerbils are the best choice, mice are almost too small, and tend not to be as entertaining to watch as they do not have the same level of curiosity and playfulness. With rodents, it is tempting to get more than one. Well, a solitary hamster looks so lonely. That being the case, remember if you out a male and female together, expect a deluge of babies in the near future! It is clearly better to have only animals of the same sex in one cage. Also, do take note that introducing a new animal into an already occupied cage can lead to territorial fighting. If there is intention to keep more than one animal in a cage, always introduce them to the environment together, at the same time.

Another indoor pet that is a little more chirpy is a budgerigar / parakeet. They were very popular at one time. Like canaries, they require only a relatively small cage, little maintenance and will sing all day, filling the house with their music. These and other small song birds make good pets, and are not too labor-intensive for the pet owner. Larger birds such as parrots can also be kept as pets, but take up considerably more space and require more careful handling. My aunt used to have a large parrot in her kitchen which would sit on her shoulder, looking the very picture of innocence, but if anyone else got too near, it could strike like a cobra. My mother list the tip of a finger to this vicious creature's razor sharp beak. The trade in exotic birds is now subject to many regulations though, due to the near extinction of many species. So, if you are considering a tropical bird as a pet, check carefully the bird that you many consider purchasing is not on a restricted pr endangered list. It is also kinder to buy a bird bred in captivity than one trapped in the wild. It seems so sad to see a creature that once flew free now confined to a small cage.

Reptiles seem to appeal to some people as the perfect house pet. Though there are some others who wonder why as reptiles are not exactly hug-gable, animated or particularly friendly. Even terrapins, or 'ninja turtles' though cute when they are small, will grow and climb out of their pen if they can. Most alarmingly, they bite and do not let go! Lizards and snakes especially demand very careful handling, and a secure cage. Some of them have rather unpleasant feeding habits: think dead mice, baby chickens, etc. and this only food for the baby snakes. Think what your baby python may be eating in four or five years time. Some reptiles like exotic birds, are also subject to various restrictions and controls, so again do your research carefully before considering buying a particular reptile.

Lastly as house 'pets', there is the option of fish-keeping. Well, they are silent apart from the 'bubbly' noise fom the tank, but again they do not have much of a 'hunggability' factor, and do not look particularly excited whenever they see you. Ok,the greedy little things cam work themselves into a frenzy when you open the top of the tank to feed them though. Goldfish are popular as they seem to exist in almost any sort of tank as long as the water does not get too dirty. They are easy for kids to look after and take some responsibility for, which is after all what pet ownership should be about. Next, there are the colourful fresh water tropical fish, tetras, Siamese fighting fish and so forth. However, these fish are more sensitive and may require a tank with a proper filtering system, and all the other accessories. A fascinating alternative to the aqua life is a tropical salt water aquarium, with a piece of coral reef in it and a population of radiantly coloured reef fish. This though is an expensive option requiring plenty of fairly expert attention, and should one have a power outage or similar breakdown in your system, you could loose everything in your tank. You will also need someone reliable to take over tank supervision from you should you ever want to take another holiday of more than a few days.

There are then actually, plenty of options for those who wish to share their condo lifestyle with a pet. Just think through your choices carefully as you are taking on responsibility of a living creature's life and well-being. Even a solitary goldfish is a commitment.

Coway Bidet System Manual Bidet BA-12

Coway Bidet System
Manual Bidet BA-12

3-Stage Controlling Device

MF Filter for Clean Water

Easy Installation

Twin Nozzles for Hygienic Washing

Sophisticated Design

Electricity Free

"Motor less but with improved functionality. The new standard for eco-friendly bidets have arrived!"


MF Filter for Clean Water
Nano Silver Ceramic MF Filter ensures the water is pure and clean by implementing silver ceramic balls.

Twin Nozzle System
The anal cleaning nozzle and female bidet nozzle are separated for a more hygienic operation.

Easy Installation
Coway's BA-12 does not need complex electrical wire connections so anyone can install it easily. Also, the joint of the toilet bowl and the bidet can be adjusted by a bracket to enable trouble free installation.

Electricity Free
Product does not require electric wiring and can be installed in most of the toilets. In fact, hassle free for electric shock.

Sophisticated Design
Coway's new concept bidet operates without a motor using water pressure. It is now more economical and environmentally friendly as it comes with:

Ergonomically designed seat

Flower pattern on control panel

Convenient Jog-dial controller

Provides antifungal ABS plastic

The soft damper system for smooth open and close of the lid


Why you should choose Coway?

It's Beautiful.
It's elegant design will improve the whole atmosphere of your house or office interior, with our award-winning design.

It's Quality.
All our product are fully manufactured in our factory in Korea, the world largest water purifier factory. We received numerous international recognitions & certifications in our product quality.

It's Technology.
Coway R&D Center, located in Seoul National University with more than 250 researchers to pursue for our healthier life and make us the largest in Korea, among the best in world.

It's Service.
Our Cody (Coway Lady) will conduct product service to our customer house periodically before customer call us. We have won several awards on best service in Korea.

: RM850
Rental : RM25 / month
Registration fee RM200

Coway Bidet System Digital Bidet BA-07 / 06

Coway Bidet System
Digital Bidet BA-07 / 06


Three Levels Wide Water Streams

Rigorous Sanitation Control Through Periodic Replacement of Nozzles

Silver Nano Ceramic Water-purifying Filter for Healthy Cleansing

Toilet Seats Available In Two Sizes


Three Levels Wide Water Streams

Rigorous Sanitation Control Through Periodic Replacement of Nozzles

Silver Nano Ceramic Water-purifying Filter for Healthy Cleansing

With Pump, for Low Water-pressured conditions.



Nano silver filter for water purification
The silver ceramic ball filter, made of naturally sterilizing elements, ensures the water used for cleansing and bidet are pure and clean.

3 level adjustment of wide water stream

From a straight linear spray for intensive cleansing to a fountain-type wide spray for soft and gentle cleansing, 3 different levels of spray help you to take care of your family’s health.

Air + Water stream
With technology that combines air bubbles, this revolutionary cleansing method makes cleansing all the more powerful, while reducing water consumption by fifty percent. The air pump inserts air bubbles into the cleansing water, and smoothens the stream of water for the bidet. The air bubbles blow off when they touch human skin, helping skin become clean.

Heated seat

The temperature control device maintains comfort for your hips.
Dry control
After the cleansing is complete, the temperature-adjustable dry air guarantees a refreshing finish.

Ergonomic Seat
The ergonomic design allows comfort for extended use.
Nozzle Position (5 Level Adjustment)
You can freely adjust the position of the nozzle to suit your individual needs.
Engineered For Your Safety
The product is engineered for safe use in wet environments.


Nano silver filter for water purification
The silver ceramic ball filter, made of naturally sterilizing elements, ensures the water used for cleansing and bidet are pure and clean.

3 level adjustment of wide water stream

From a straight linear spray for intensive cleansing to a fountain-type wide spray for soft and gentle cleansing, 3 different levels of spray help you to take care of your family’s health.

Air + Water stream
With technology that combines air bubbles, this revolutionary cleansing method makes cleansing all the more powerful, while reducing water consumption by fifty percent. The air pump inserts air bubbles into the cleansing water, and smoothens the stream of water for the bidet. The air bubbles blow off when they touch human skin, helping skin become clean.

Heated seat
The temperature control device maintains comfort for your hips.
Dry control
After the cleansing is complete, the temperature-adjustable dry air guarantees a refreshing finish.



Why you should choose Coway?

It's Beautiful.
It's elegant design will improve the whole atmosphere of your house or office interior, with our award-winning design.

It's Quality.
All our product are fully manufactured in our factory in Korea, the world largest water purifier factory. We received numerous international recognitions & certifications in our product quality.

It's Technology.
Coway R&D Center, located in Seoul National University with more than 250 researchers to pursue for our healthier life and make us the largest in Korea, among the best in world.

It's Service.
Our Cody (Coway Lady) will conduct product service to our customer house periodically before customer call us. We have won several awards on best service in Korea.

: RM2,500
Rental : RM75 / month
Registration fee RM200

Coway Water Purifier System Value (P-07Q)

Coway Water Purifier System
Value (P-07QL)

• Non-Electrical Filtration System
• Sliding Lever and Continuous Purification
• Anti-Bacterial System
• Air-tight Tank
• Elegant Design and Colour

on Basic Functions

Just like its name, Value P-07Q not only provides the best water quality by its non electrical water filtration system, yet also serves as decoration appliance with its sophisticated design.


Value P-07Q净化器物如其名,它的非电动过滤系统为您


Non Electrical Water Filtration System
Since it doesn’t use electric power, it is safe and no electric charge is needed.

Sliding Lever & Continuous Purification
Continuous purification is possible by simply pushing the dispenser lever and pulling down the lock up lever.

Elegant Design and Colour
Simply white colour and elegant design make the product look better.

Air-tight Tank
Separated air-tight structure perfectly prevents the secondary contamination to be caused by foreign materials such as dust, bug, and so on in the storage tank.

Advanced Anti-bacterial System
Enhanced sanitation by using the silver-added activated carbon ceramic filter will protect you away from bacteria.

Constant Water Pressure
It supports constant water pressure regardless of fluctuating water pressure to protect inside of product..

Prevention of Overflow
A safety block function using twin air bladders has been adopted to prevent overflow.

High Technology Complex Filters
Neo Sense Filter (Plus Sediment + Pre-Carbon) and Fine Post Carbon Filter (Fine Dust + Post Carbon) are built for compact design water purifier with the best filtration efficiency.


Why you should choose Coway?

It's Beautiful.
It's elegant design will improve the whole atmosphere of your house or office interior, with our award-winning design.

It's Quality.
All our product are fully manufactured in our factory in Korea, the world largest water purifier factory. We received numerous international recognitions & certifications in our product quality.

It's Technology.
Coway R&D Center, located in Seoul National University with more than 250 researchers to pursue for our healthier life and make us the largest in Korea, among the best in world.

It's Service.
Our Cody (Coway Lady) will conduct product service to our customer house periodically before customer call us. We have won several awards on best service in Korea.

: RM2,300
Rental : RM70 / month
Registration fee RM200

Coway Air Purifier System Aires (AP-1009CH / AP-0509DH)

Coway Air Purifier System
Aires (AP-1009CH / AP-0509DH)

•A3 Medium deodorization
• 4-Way Air Flow System
• Quiet, Slim, and Efficient
• Pollution Indicator (AP-1009CH only)
• Auto Mode Selection
• 3-Way Air - In.

"Petite yet Powerful "

This award-winning air purifier equipped with advanced A3 (Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Odor, Anti-Dust) technology by combination of vacuum-metalized nano silver and active carbon impregnated material, promise to give you pristine air, tranquil surrounding and fresh ocean breezes.

小巧玲珑, 马力十足

此屡获殊荣的空气净化器融合了真空金属华纳米银以及浸渍活性炭材料的先进A3科技(抗菌,抗臭,抗尘), 它所带来的清爽空气让您体验如沐浴于森林般的感觉!

Why you should choose Coway?

It's Beautiful.
It's elegant design will improve the whole atmosphere of your house or office interior, with our award-winning design.

It's Quality.
All our product are fully manufactured in our factory in Korea, the world largest water purifier factory. We received numerous international recognitions & certifications in our product quality.

It's Technology.
Coway R&D Center, located in Seoul National University with more than 250 researchers to pursue for our healthier life and make us the largest in Korea, among the best in world.

It's Service.
Our Cody (Coway Lady) will conduct product service to our customer house periodically before customer call us. We have won several awards on best service in Korea.

Coway Air Purifier System Dolomities (AP-1008CH)

Coway Air Purifier System
Dolomities (AP-1008CH)

• Effectively Inactivate H1N1.
• "Anti -Virus"Filter.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI).
• The Colourful PollutionIndicators.
• Design Awards By IDEO.

"Effectively Inactivate 99.99% H1N1 Virus!"

Coway is proudly to introduce air purifier Dolomities AP-1008CH that capture and inactivate Influenza A / H1N1 virus that floating in the air by natural sterilizing substance.


Coway十分骄傲地向大家介绍Dolomities AP-1008CH - 能够以天然消毒物质捕捉以及消除在空气中漂浮的H1N1病毒的空气净化器。


Why you should choose Coway?

It's Beautiful.
It's elegant design will improve the whole atmosphere of your house or office interior, with our award-winning design.

It's Quality.
All our product are fully manufactured in our factory in Korea, the world largest water purifier factory. We received numerous international recognitions & certifications in our product quality.

It's Technology.
Coway R&D Center, located in Seoul National University with more than 250 researchers to pursue for our healthier life and make us the largest in Korea, among the best in world.

It's Service.
Our Cody (Coway Lady) will conduct product service to our customer house periodically before customer call us. We have won several awards on best service in Korea.

: RM2,300
Rental : RM80 / month
Registration fee RM200

Coway Air Purifier System Lombok (AP-1503CHE)

Coway Air Purifier System
Lombok (AP-1503CHE)

• Advanced Deodorizing Ability
• Rhythm Cleaning System by Turbo Fan
• Automatic Operation by Particle Sensor (4-step)
• Sleep Mode Function
• Cluster Negative Ion Generation
• RBD Plasma System

"RBD plasma, Coway’s one-of-a-kind technology, raises air quality another notch."

Natural Cluster Negative Lons

It removes the activated oxygen, the static electricity from the inside air and helps to promote health by discharge of the cluster negative ions.




Powerful Air Cleaner
The filter system is optimized to remove quickly pollutants. The unit contains the HEPA filter made of Nano Silver and Catechins which can be helpful for removal of bacteria, minute particles.

Advanced Deodorizing Ability
The deodorizing ability is improved by using AC deodorizing filter and RBD plasma antibacterial catalysis system which can eliminate not only harmful gases such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Ammonia, Aldehyde, but food and cigarette odors and so on.

Rhythm Cleaning System by Turbo Fan
Turbo fan increases the air flow rate and treats indoor pollutants very quickly by rhythm cleaning system.

Automatic Operation by Particle Sensor, Odor Sensor
It allows you to check the status of indoor pollution through a particle sensor on real-time bases. Besides, it minimizes electric consumption by automatically adjusting fan speed according to the indoor pollution degree.

Silent Operation at Night (Sleep Mode)
It is designed to be automatically switched to the silent operation by sensing light to provide a quiet and pleasant environment at the dark.

Safety Design of Customers
The operation of the air cleaner stops by safety switch when the front cover is opened. The ventilation inlet and outlet are designed for the safety to prevent the risk of accidents.

RBD Plasma System & Antibacterial Catalysis Filtering
We complexy apply RBD Plasma system and antibacterial catalysis filter which can remove harmful gas, and the floating bacteria. You can save the maintenance cost because a regular cleaning can extend the average life span of the filter.

*RBD Plasma Catalysis System generates plasma which is the 4th condition of materials. RBD plasma system is made of the special silicon barrier for the stable electrical discharge, and gives full play to the genius in the removal of the bacteria mold.

Natural Cluster Negative Ions
The air cleaner can materialize a plenty of cluster negative ions which can make the inside air more clean by eliminating the activated oxygen and the static electricity.

Minimum of Expenses
You can cut down your expenses by using BLDC Motor.


Why you should choose Coway?

It's Beautiful.
It's elegant design will improve the whole atmosphere of your house or office interior, with our award-winning design.

It's Quality.
All our product are fully manufactured in our factory in Korea, the world largest water purifier factory. We received numerous international recognitions & certifications in our product quality.

It's Technology.
Coway R&D Center, located in Seoul National University with more than 250 researchers to pursue for our healthier life and make us the largest in Korea, among the best in world.

It's Service.
Our Cody (Coway Lady) will conduct product service to our customer house periodically before customer call us. We have won several awards on best service in Korea.

: RM3,100
Rental : RM100 / month
Registration fee RM200

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